Influence the
Influential in Virginia!
Target the "Movers and Shakers!" An ad in Virginia Capitol Connections Quarterly Magazine (QM) will reach legislators, government officials, libraries, and citizens across Virginia! Your ad will be seen over and over as this quarterly magazine is stocked and re-stocked in racks and on coffee tables from Main Street to the Capitol. QM is where government, political, business, labor and community leaders across the state get their public affairs news about Virginia before it develops.
We provide statewide perspectives on local problems; local perspectives on statewide problems, including how and why policy is made, who affects it, who is affected by it, and what it all means to you.
To advertise, Contact Us Here.
Color Ad Rates | ||||
One Time |
Two Times |
Three Times |
Four Times |
Full Page | 1300 | 1200 | 1100 | 1000 |
Two Thirds Page | 1000 | 900 | 850 | 800 |
Half Page | 800 | 700 | 650 | 600 |
Third Page | 600 | 550 | 500 | 450 |
Quarter Page | 450 | 425 | 400 | 375 |
Sixth Page | 325 | 300 | 275 | 250 |
Eighth Page | 200 | 175 | 150 | 125 |
Around Virginia
Two-line black and white listing in four issues–$99
List your association, hotel, restaurant, or other business
(3.25" wide–same size as Red, Black and Blue book listing)
Covers | ||||
One Time |
Two Times |
Three Times |
Four Times |
Outside Back | 2000 | 1900 | 1800 | 1700 |
Inside Front | 1800 | 1700 | 1600 | 1500 |
Inside Back | 1700 | 1600 | 1500 | 1400 |

All rates are based on camera ready copy (electronic
format). Production services available at extra charges.
Spring, Summer, Fall & Winter
Rates available upon request
15% to recognized agencies when camera ready copy is supplied. Agency commission is forfeited on all accounts unpaid after 60 days. Production charges are not commissionable.
Magazine Trim Size: 8.5" x 11"
Type Page Size (live area): 7.5" x 9.94"
Format for Submitted Ads
Preferred file format is Adobe Acrobat PDF, Press Resolution, CMYK color format, all fonts, art, and trim marks included. Files must contain no spot colors. For bleed ads include standard .125" bleed area on all sides.
Ad Sizes
Full Page
8.5" x 11" (full bleed ad, plus standard .125" bleed)
7.5" x 9.94" (live area, with standard white border)
Two Thirds Page
4.925" x 9.94"
Half Page
7.5" x 4.875" (Horizontal)
3.625" x 9.94 (Vertical)
Third Page
7.5" x 3.125" (Horizontal)
2.319" x 9.94" (Vertical)
Quarter Page
3.625" x 4.875" (Vertical)
4.875" x 3.625" (Horizontal)
Sixth Page
2.319" x 4.875" (Vertical)
4.875" x 2.319" (Horizontal)
Eighth Page
3.5" x 2"
Cancellations are not accepted after published space closing dates.
Due upon receipt of invoice.
Virginia Capitol Connections is found in all of Virginia's Public Libraries and in 7,000 offices and homes of Virginia's leaders.
Published by David Bailey Associates, publishers of three annual directories: Red Book, Black Book, and the Blue Book.
David L. Bailey, Jr. •
Managing Editor
Bonnie Atwood •
Contributing Writers/Editors
Bonnie Atwood, Mike Belefski, Lydia Freeman, Kim Gray, Bernie Henderson, Ken Jessup
Advertising Manager
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