, F
Thank you for your service on this Subcommittee. My name is
Rikki Epstein. I amExecutive Director of TheArc of NorthernVirginia.
I am delighted to be joined today by Jane Anthony, Co-President of
Parents and Associates of the Northern Virginia Training Center. We
appear today on behalf of organizations in Northern Virginia that
represent individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
(I/DD) and their families. Today, we share a common interest in seeing
that both the Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental
Services (DBHDS) plan to implement the Settlement Agreement and
the quality assurance provisions of SB 627 are carried out in the best
way to meet the needs of Northern Virginians.
Specifically, we believe success requires three things:
1. Revise the DBHDS Trust Fund provisions to assure that the revenues
from the sale of the Northern Virginia Training Center (NVTC)
property are used to serve the needs of people with I/DD who reside
in this region, and assure that the proceeds from the sale of other
Training Centers’ property go to support people in their respective
2. Make sure the outcome of Medicaid Waiver Reform is a system
that provides funding that is appropriate to each region of the State.
Equity requires that sufficient funds be made available so that people
with I/DD, either moving from NVTC or from the waiting list, are
able to find local placements in Region II to remain in contact with
their families and communities of natural supports, just as people
with I/DD from other regions of the Commonwealth have the
resources to remain in their local regions; and
3. Assure that all people with I/DD who receive services from the
state benefit from a robust quality management system based on
scientifically sound methods and establishing performance baselines
to ensure people’s health, safety, and well-being.
The Trust Fund.
As the planned closure deadline for NVTC fast
approaches, we have some increasingly urgent concerns about the
current Trust Fund that is slated to receive and distribute proceeds from
the sale of the NVTC property. As the language for the Trust Fund is
currently written, the funding from the NVTC sale could be used in
areas of the state outside Northern Virginia or could be diverted for
other purposes entirely.
The Trust Fund must assure regional equity. As you all know,
Northern Virginia is a more expensive area to live in than many other
parts of the State. The service providers and Community Services
Boards in this area have consistently said that the very high cost of
living in the NorthernVirginia region is a substantial hurdle to opening
more residential settings, especially on tight timelines. Statewide, the
waiting list for community waiver slots is well over 10,000 people,
almost exceeding those receiving waiver supports, and in Northern
Virginia the waiting list for ID Waivers already exceeds the number
receiving supports by 34%. Clearly, there is a need for start up money
to serve people with disabilities within all regions and especially
Region II and for revisions to protect the Trust Fund assuring that it
serves its intended purposes.
NVTC families have researched the history of the creation of
NVTC and affirmed that many of their families were involved in
donating some of the land NVTC was built upon. Their very purpose
was to enable the State to build a local facility so that they could spend
more time with their loved ones with disabilities. Out of a basic sense
of fairness for those families and the thousands of Northern Virginians
with I/DD on waiting lists for services due to funding shortages, we
ask you to ensure that the DBHDS Trust Fund is protected and used
as intended.
In protecting the Trust Fund, this Subcommittee and the General
Assembly at large will be taking a big step towards fulfilling the
promise of appropriate, quality care in the community and offering
choice for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. To
secure these protections, we request that you take the following actions:
1. Reestablish the Trust Fund through a constitutional amendment that
requires funding derived from the sale of Training Center lands be
used only for people with I/DD in the region from which funding
originated for one-time needs such as start-ups and unforeseen
emergencies; and
2. Require that DBHDS submit a clearly detailed report annually to
this Subcommittee and the General Assembly on all deposits into the
Trust Fund and all expenditures.
FundingMedicaidWaiver Reform toAssure Local Placements.
With the new reforms not scheduled to be implemented until after
the March 2016 closure date for NVTC, local providers have been
reluctant to assume the long-term obligations for the residents with the
most significant disabilities leaving NVTC and those coming off of the
waiting lists. To underscore this concern, there have been anecdotes
of people opting for placements outside the region in order to get the
services they need. According to the Department’s data, only 24%
of those discharged from NVTC in 2015 found local placements in
contrast with 74% for the rest of the state. A recent DOJ letter supports
this conclusion. Given the importance of keeping those with I/DD near
their families and natural supports, we request that the Subcommittee:
• Secure from DBHDS the information necessary to understand the
magnitude of this problem so that the General Assembly will be
better able to understand how Medicaid Waiver Reform must be
crafted to meet the needs of Northern Virginians.
• Establish a Quality Management system that assures the safety,
health and integration of people with I/DD. The settlement agreement
contains detailed requirements for Virginia to collect new data, to
greatly expand its quality management for those in the community,
and to report on instances of mortality and significant harm to those
who transition fromTraining Centers into the community. In addition,
SB 627 requires that DBHDS certify that the residents of Training
Centers who move into the community receive supports and services
that are “comparable” to the ones being received in the Training
Center. These basic provisions of the settlement agreement and SB
627 are essential for the health, safety and well-being of those with
I/DD receiving waiver supports in the community. They will benefit
both those moving from the Training Centers and off the waiting
lists. Unfortunately, the necessary quality management measures do
not track the closure schedule for either SVTC or NVTC or with
the schedule in the settlement agreement. It is vital that DBHDS
expedite quality management employing scientifically valid data and
To enhance quality management, we ask that the Subcommittee
request DBHDS to take the following action:
Describe and report to the Subcommittee and the public, within 3
months, the scientifically valid performance measures DBHDS plans
to use to address each important aspect of health, safety, and well-being
for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities currently
served by DBHDS. This report should include an analysis of mortality
data for individuals who have left Training Centers. Thank you for
your dedication to ensuring that all individuals with intellectual and
developmental disabilities inVirginia receive the supports and services
they need to live healthy, safe, and fulfilling lives in Virginia.
Testimony provided September 2, 2015.
Joint Statement of The Arc of Northern Virginia and
Parents and Associates of the Northern Virginia Training
Center to Members of the Special Joint Subcommittee to
Consult on the Plan to Close State Training Centers