, S
We were leaving the Commonwealth Prayer Breakfast, and
Richard Vaughan picked up an extra copy of the program.
“I’m going to give this to my pastor,” he said. That small gesture
gives a glimpse of who this man is, and how he can cope with the
challenges of his chosen life.
What challenges? His career sounds like something out of NBC’s
Dateline.Vaughan, a gentle man of 46, is the sheriff of Grayson County,
Virginia, and had to work a triple homicide right out of the gate. After
careful investigation, Freddie Hammer was convicted of not only this
crime—but many more.
Killers don’t come much colder than Freddie Hammer, who is
serving eight life sentences inWallens Ridge State Prison in Big Stone
Gap. He has admitted to more than a dozen murders, and may have
committed up to 17.
But before all that, soon after the emergency call was dispatched,
Vaughan, the new sheriff in town, was sitting at the suspect’s kitchen
table, staring at this alleged serial killer dressed in an undershirt and
boxer shorts. Known as a “mind-gamer,” Hammer was smart, and at
this moment, pleasant and jovial. Just like any self-respecting con man,
he was calmly detailing his alibi.
Unlucky for Hammer, Vaughan had completed excellent training
at two community colleges, earned a degree at Bluefield College, and
trained at the Virginia Department of Forensic Science Academy. He
knew how to conduct an effective investigation, collect evidence, and
follow it all the way to conviction. Or, should we say, in this case,
multiple convictions. Hammer’s eventual total was seven counts of
capital murder.
After an initiation like that, one would expect to meet a sheriff
who is gruff and jaded. Not so. One could describe him as cheerful and
grounded—and also possessing the confidence that is expected from
one in law enforcement.
“I always try to treat people like I want to be treated,” saidVaughan.
And there you have it. A short course for a survivor, in law enforcement
and in life.
Vaughan is inspired by author Dave Grossman, who specializes
in the study of the psychology of killing. He is a retired Army
lieutenant colonel and
has written three books
advising soldiers and
law enforcement officers
how to make themselves
p s y c h o l o g i c a l l y
“bulletproof.” Vaughan is
also a religious man. He
and his family are very
active in his church, the
Fries Pentecostal Holiness
Church. Vaughan and
his wife, Amy, have two
Now in his second
term as Sheriff, Vaughan
professional milestone. He has been elected President of the Virginia
Sheriff’s Association (VSA), an organization of 8,900 members who
are sheriffs and deputy sheriffs. TheVSA advocates for state legislation
that will help those in this profession, including support staff. One of
the priorities is raising the salaries for deputies. Vaughan said that the
current salaries are so low that “a lot of them get food stamps.”
Other issues include: creation of police forces, drug forfeiture
funding, minimum qualifications, legal defense, staffing standards,
courtroom security, and retirement.
Eddie Hammer was proven to be a very dangerous criminal, and
he wasn’t the last that Vaughan would encounter. If there is a silver
lining to the story, it is that SheriffVaughan and his colleagues are up to
the challenge of keeping Virginians safe, bringing the guilty to justice,
watching the backs of their own, and keeping their life in balance as
they do it.
Bonnie Atwood, a freelance writer with Tall Poppies Freelance
Writing LLC, is the winner of 30 national and state writing awards,
and represents legislative clients with David Bailey Associates. She
can be reached at
BonAtwood@verizon.net .Legislative Counsel
John G. “Chip” Dicks
FutureLaw, LLC
1802 Bayberry Court, Suite 403
Richmond, Virginia 23226
(804) 225-5507 (Direct Dial)
chipdicks@futurelaw.net(804) 225-5508 (Fax)
www.futurelaw.netAs part of the national and statewide observance of Public
Service Recognition Week during the first week of May, the
Virginia Employment Commission (VEC) will present its second
annual Employee Educational and Information Fair. This event
brings to our employees representatives from many and varied state
agencies, businesses, and other organizations that provide important
information that impacts daily living. The purpose of our fair is to
provide access to education and information in an interactive, fun
Among this year’s 15 participants are
the Virginia Credit Union, the Virginia
Department of Conservation and Recreation,
and the Virginia Department of Vital Records.
The Virginia Tourism Authority will again
provide free promotional items from their
“Virginia Is for Lovers” campaign.
VEC’s theme for this year is “Thanks
for Your Commitment to Our Customers.”
The theme expresses appreciation of our
employees while acknowledging their
dedication to serving our customers with
efficiency and compassion. Last year, more
than 400 VEC central office employees
information about topics such as preparing for
natural disasters, becoming more conscious of conserving energy,
and planning outdoor adventures in our beautiful state parks.
The employees of the VEC exemplify the ideals of the
Commonwealth in providing stellar service to its citizens. Hosting
the fair is a simple measure of extending our gratitude for their hard
work and public service.
Submitted by Ellen Marie Hess, Commissioner
VEC Plans Public Service Recognition Week Event
There’s a new Sheriff’s Association president in town
By Bonnie Atwood