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Girl Scouts Visit Capitol Square
Girl Scouts once again gathered this year on Capitol Square to
meet, greet, learn, and be recognized for their many accomplishments.
Virginia Girl Scout councils which include Colonial Coast, Nation’s
Capital, Skyline, Commonwealth and Chesapeake hosted a reception
for legislators at theVirginia General Assembly Building on February
22. The Girl Scout delegation represented the nearly 100,000 girls
and more than 40,000 volunteers are Girl Scout members in the
This year, in honor of the 100th anniversary of Girl Scouts
highest award—the Gold Award, an exhibit was placed in the GAB
throughout the legislative session. It was on view on the 5th floor
where the reception was held. Gold Awardees from each council
were on hand at the reception to talk to legislators about their Gold
Award projects which require nearly 100 hours dedicated towards a
community service effort.
The Girl Scout delegation also took action as advocates and
visited legislators to discuss House Bill 942. The bill, which was
introduced by patrons Delegate Tony Wilt who serves the 26th
District and co-patron Delegate Brenda Pogge who serves the 96th
District, was drafted to help youth serving organizations such as Girl
Scouts and Boy Scouts gain access to schools during the school day
for the purpose of making students and families aware of programs
offered by these groups.
Other issues discussed with legislators included supporting
girls’ exploration of science, technology, engineering, and math
(STEM); strengthening girls’ financial literacy skills; reducing
bullying/relational aggression, and supporting a thriving nonprofit
After mingling with legislators, the Girl Scouts were introduced
in the House by Girl Scout alumnae Delegate Daun Hester from
Norfolk and in the Senate by Senator Janet Howell from Reston. In
the afternoon, they toured the Governor’s Mansion and attended a tea
hosted by Lt. Gov. Ralph Northam and his wife, Pam Northam. Some
prestigious Girl Scout alumnae who serve on the Governor’s cabinet
joined them—Secretary of Education Anne Holton; Secretary of
Administration Nancy Rodrigues; Secretary of Technology Karen
Jackson and honorary Girl Scout Secretary of Natural Resources and
former Hampton City Mayor Molly Ward.
The day was a learning experience for all involved—
Girl Scouts and legislators!