, S
Since I have been here I have gained character traits in leadership
and etiquette. Since obtaining these qualities we have been able to
attend multiple professional events. Our class has also given back to
the community. We have raised over 15,000 dollars for Feedmore and
over 700 pounds of food. We realize how important this is and we
worked extremely hard to raise food and money for Feedmore. Being
a Senate Page is an amazing experience and I will never forget it.
Jack DeVore
There are many different things that you learn in the Senate
Page Program. The three main skills the Page Program focuses on
are manners, learning about government process at the state level
and our main focus is learning leadership skills. Manners include
etiquette, proper uniforms and saying things such as “yes ma’am”,
“no ma’am”, “yes sir” and “no sir.” Learning about the government
process is very important for the future when we turn 18 and it is time
to vote. The most important skill when being a page is leadership.
This is very critical for your whole life for many reasons. One being
college, when you get to college some recruiters look for outstanding
leadership skills. These are the main three skills the Senate Page
Program works on.
Tyler Garrett
the kitchen with my brother, my dad came in and had an envelope.
He gave me the envelope and I held it scared and excited for what
could be in it. And I opened it and read the first two sentences and
was dumbstruck. “Congratulations on being nominated to serve as a
Senate Page during the 2016 session of the General Assembly. This is
an outstanding honor, and I know you are excited about participating
in Virginia’s legislative process!” Can you say, Best Christmas Gift
Ever! And now on the final few days before session ends I am honored
and truly blessed to be apart of this amazing program. Meeting all
kinds of people in the legislative process and being apart of something
much bigger than myself. It has been amazing working here and is an
experience I will never, ever forget.
Simone Tapp
When I first arrived at the Senate I was expecting to become a
new person by the end of session. That is exactly what this program
has done for me. The Senate Page experience is a great learning
opportunity and a once in a lifetime experience. You get to see the
legislative process up close and see all the hard work put into these
60 days. One great thing about being a Senate Page is that we have a
different job assignment each day. We get to see each aspect behind
the process. Events are also an important part of being a Senate Page.
Continued from page 29
Blue Ridge PBS -WBRA
(Roanoke, Lynchburg)—Fridays at 7:30 p.m.,
Sunday at 2:30 p.m.
Tuesday at 7 p.m.
Southwest Virginia PTV
Monday at 6:30 a.m. & 8:30 p.m.
Tuesday at 11:00 a.m.
Friday at Noon
WCVE 23.1
(Richmond)—Sunday at 9 a.m.
WHTJ 41.1
(Charlottesville)—Sunday at 9 a.m.
(Harrisonburg)—Tuesday at 5 p.m.
(Norfolk)—Tuesday at 5 p.m.
Thursday at 5:30 p.m.
Norfolk’s Neighborhood Network
, TV-48—Sunday through Tuesday,
12 noon
Wednesday through Saturday, 7:30 a.m.
Weekly show information is on Facebook—
All shows are archived here:
http://blueridgepbs.org/index.php/videos/local-productions/this-week-in-richmondV I E W I N G
The Senate Pages unload a shopping cart of food that they were able to purchase
with the money they raised for Feedmore.
A Senate Page talking on the Senate floor with Senator John Cosgrove.