, S
programs that were concentrated in agriculture, homemaking, and trade
and industrial education in 1917 to the options in 2017 of 16 Career
Clusters and over 79 pathways which offer clear avenues to industry
credentials, postsecondary certificates, and degrees. CTE prepares
students to fulfill employer needs in high-skill, high-wage, and high-
demand areas while providing instruction in workplace readiness skills.
Career and Technical Education prepares all students to be career
ready—and it’s every parent’s dream that their children have a job!
Dr. Brenda D. Long is the Executive Director of the Virginia
Association for Career and Technical Education.
There’s a statement that says, “To know
where you are going, you have to know
where you have been.” On February 23,
1917, Congress signed into law the Smith-
Hughes National Vocational Education Act.
The act marked the start of federal investment
in secondary vocational education, or career
and technical education, as we know it today.
There have been additional federal
investments in career and technical education
over the years, including the Vocational
Education Act of 1963, Carl D. Perkins
Career and Technical Education Act of 2006, and Strengthening Career
and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act of 2016, which
is reauthorization of the Perkins Act but has stalled in the Senate.
Legislation throughout the last 100 years has further solidified, and
verified, the relevance of career and technical education in our schools,
with business and industry leaders, and with policymakers.
This federal investment, in addition toVirginia’s career and technical
education funding, has expanded opportunities for the commonwealth’s
students to become highly qualified for the competitive and global
workforce. From the integration of academic knowledge and technical
skills, the growing focus on science, technology, engineering, and
mathematics fields, to the emergence of dual enrollment, career and
technical education demonstrates its ability to adapt to workforce needs.
According to a Southern Regional Education Board report, students
gain college and career readiness through participation in career and
technical education. Students identified the top three skills they gained
from their career and technical education classes: (1) skills to help them
get jobs in the future, (2) real-world examples to help them understand
academic classes, and (3) opportunities to work as part of a team. More
than 88 percent of career and technical education students planned to
continue to some type of postsecondary education.
In Virginia last year, 631,373 students took one or more classes,
and 293,788 students took at least one career and technical education
class. Students (and parents) recognize the importance of obtaining an
industry credential while in high school. The total number of credentials
earned by students during the 2015-2016 school year was 137,248.
And across the state, 105 school divisions offered CTE dual-enrollment
A completer is identified as a student who meets high school
graduation requirements and completes a concentration or sequence of
career and technical education courses. For five consecutive years, more
than 95 percent of Virginia CTE completers graduated high school with
a Standard or Advanced Studies Diploma.
Of the graduating class of 2015 identified as completers, 71 percent
were enrolled in postsecondary education a year out of high school; 15
percent were employed full time; 7 percent were employed part time; 2
percent were in military service; 3 percent were out of the labor force;
and 2 percent were unemployed.
Through a competitive grant process, 16 Virginia school divisions
and career and technical education centers recently received grants to
enhance and expand career and technical education through STEM
and STEM-Health initiatives. These initiatives focused on workforce
needs for the future, including cybersecurity training, advanced
manufacturing, and in-demand careers. Virginia is a national leader in
career and technical education, thanks to the support of stakeholders and
policymakers that recognize the relevance and early exposure to the full
spectrum of career possibilities. The centennial of the Smith-Hughes
Act celebrates a lifetime of learning in career and technical education.
As stated, “To know where you are going, you have to know where
you have been” and CTE has come a long way in 100 years. From
100 Years of Career and Technical Education
and Looking to the Future
By Brenda Long