, S
In Service
Virginia Officials and
their Military Service
This informative directory recognizes and celebrates
the sacrifices and struggles of veterans serving as
state officials in the Commonwealth of Virginia.
Included are branches of service, dates of active
duty and membership in veterans organizations, in
addition to political affiliation and contact information.
In Service to Our Country
is an informative reminder
of the exemplary military service by these officials to
help keep our country free!
Direct questions or comments to:
David Bailey
dbailey@capitolsquare.com• 804.643.5554
Available for purchase Summer 2016
our leaders to work together.”
The next meeting of the Capital Region Caucus will take place
on August 17th.
Nancy Finch is a former journalist, public relations practitioner
and lobbyist.
Of the legislators he met with, Hardiman said, “All see the
need. The great thing is that legislators see the value—that they
can have a conversation about how they can work together.”
Del. Peace said of his and Del. McClellan’s caucus leadership,
”Jennifer and I are honored to take this effort on. With that said,
Barrett and his colleagues at VCU and the area realtors have
likewise helped bring this caucus back.”
“VCU has already seen benefit of the reactivated Capital
Caucus. Giving our legislators a common forum to learn about
issues facing the region and how best to advocate for them with
a common voice is invaluable,” said Matt Conrad, government
relations head for VCU.
In agreement, Del. Peace said, “With so much change of
leadership (locally) Jennifer and I decided it was time to recommit
to this important caucus so that current policy makers can get to
know one another, get better educated on issues and discuss ideas
important to the region.”
The co-chairs and caucus supporters plan for the collaboration
to continue beyond the General Assembly session as it does for the
other two locality caucuses.
At the last meeting, March 4, Del. Peace said, “We’re going
to work with Barrett and John Easter, senior vice president,
government & community affairs for the Greater Richmond
Chamber. The goal would be to continue the Caucus beyond the
General Assembly.
”If you want to get something done, you have to be in the
room,” Hardiman said. Leadership is a core value at Luck Stone
so his company encouraged him to help “as an administrative
assistant” to the caucus co-chairs. “This is an opportunity to get
Del. Kirk Cox (R-66) addresses colleagues at a meeting of the Capital Region Caucus. From left: Delegates Buddy Fowler Jr. (R-55), John O’Bannon III (R-73),
Roxann Robinson (R-27), and James Massie III (R-72).
Photo by Julie Coggsdale