, W
The PoorMans Dinner:
Southwest Virginia’s Big Event
elected and appointed representatives. They serve a much needed
purpose; they work hard; they deserve our respect. That was part
of the thinking behind the creation of the Virginia Association
of Professional Lobbyists (VAPL), of which I am proud to be a
founding member. I will miss my colleagues. I will miss the drama.
I may even miss some of the panic, as the Session draws to a close,
and one follows his bill like a hound dog after a fox.
Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus. There is also a lively
lobbying community, and, yes, there is retirement. I don’t care
for the word or the action (or inaction) that it implies. What’s
next? Death? Maybe there’s a bill stuck in a committee, with an
amendment revoking retirement. As soon as I mentioned “the
R-Word,” I felt a freedom, but I also felt a loss. Therefore I have
added the term “semi” in front of the R-Word, to soften the blow.
I will see you again at Capitol Square. Look for the guy in the
floppy hat, soaking up the atmosphere at Ground Zero of the great
Commonwealth of Virginia, watching the sausage get made, and
enjoying my friends in the wonderful world of lobbying.
shav.orgKen Jessup is author of the book, “It was just a phase,” which
tells more about his adventures in lobbying and life. The book
can be purchased through
Bonatwood@ verizon.net .Marcy Hernick, Marty Hall, Senator Vogel and son, and Judy Brannock.
This (21 year) life time achievement award in excellence
to the Commonwealth of Virginia award was presented to
Marty Hall by the Virginia Chamber of Commerce.
Marty Hall, past chairman of PoorMans dinner and Megan M. Brown, tourism
department of Tazewell County.
The crowd over 300 at the PoorMans Dinner at the 2016 Galax Fiddlers