, W
to the Redbook
on 30 years of
keeping Virginians
informed! The
provides an
invaluable service
to everyone
interested in public
Sam Rasoul
“David Bailey’s compilation of all the legislators’ and elected
statewide officers’ contact information in one resource has been an
invaluable tool in my legislative office—both during Session and
back home in the district. The inclusion of photographs of the elected
officials has been most helpful—particularly during years such as
2013 when we had 19 new members join us in the House of Delegates!
Thank you, David, for sharing your genius with us these past 30 years,
and while I do not anticipate being on those pages then, I do hope it
will continue for another 30 years! Great job!”
–Delegate David Toscano, House Democratic Leader, 57th District
“During my first election campaign in 2009, I used
the Redbook as a tool to understand the structure
and membership of the Virginia General Assembly. It
remains a useful tool today as I work with my legislative
colleagues…and it’s a valuable public relations tool
that I give out to constituents in my district…and they go
like hotcakes!”
–Delegate Rich Anderson
“Citizens and advocates have a very easy
way to know their representatives in state
government: they can simply turn to the
red book. That helps to make democracy
work better.”
–Delegate Kenneth R. “Ken” Plum,
Delegate, 36th District
“David Bailey’s Redbook
is our ‘go to’ source
for quick and accurate
information for contact
information on our
colleagues in the General
Assembly and Governor’s
Cabinet. You will always
find a copy within reach
at all the desks in our
Steve Newman
“The notorious ‘Red
Book’ is the most sought
after, most used and most
helpful printed item in
the General Assembly
Building. Kudos to David
Bailey and Associates
for their 30 years of hard
work and dedication in
creating a tool that makes
life more manageable for
those of us involved in the
political arena.”
–Donnie Ratliff,
Connections, LLC.
“The Redbook is the roadmap for navigating the
General Assembly. A valuable reference tool for
staff and visitors alike.”
–Senator Richard Saslaw
“The Redbook
is my compass
and companion.
I rely on its ease
of use 12 months
a year. The pages
become filled with
notes and I archive
it for posterity.
I wouldn’t be
without it.”
–David DeBiasi,
RN , AARP Virginia
, Associate State
Director – Advocacy
There have been many people and firms whose contributions
have made it possible for the Redbook to celebrate its 30th
birthday. First among them is Bill Groome, a friend whom I
had only known for a couple of years. Bill worked at William
Byrd Press in Richmond and his without his expertise the
first Redbook might never have been printed.
During the decades we have sought the best printers, and
for many years it was Clinch Valley Printing in Tazewell,
owned by my good friend Doyle Rasnick. Doyle, a creative
entrepreneur, helped with marketing and was a most helpful
friend. One of his ideas was to create a Spanish language
version, and we did it. After Doyle sold the firm that he had
founded, we moved to another outstanding SWVA printer,
Bill Gilmer of Wordsprint.
With family roots in the coalfields of Kentucky and Virginia,
our firm was honored that Donnie Ratliff and Alpha Natural
Resources underwrote the free distribution of thousands
of copies over several years. In the 30th year we thank the
Virginia Chamber of Commerce for support in underwriting a
record 35,000 copies.
John Sours’ creative designs and Kristen Bailey-Hardy’s
proofreading skills make our firm proud of our publication.
Through the years many interns and staffers have worked on
Redbooks, and we thank them one and all.
–Nancy Rodrigues
Secretary of Administration
“Redbook is
a must have
resource for
Patrick Hope