, S
George Grayson
By John McGlennon
Former Delegate George W. Grayson,
Jr., passed away on March 4, 2015, of a
heart attack at the age of 76. George
Grayson was first elected to the House
of Delegates in 1973, and served for all
but one of the next 28 years, representing
Williamsburg, James City County, York
County, New Kent and parts of Henrico
at various points. George Grayson was an
American original.
His career was interrupted for one year
in 1983, when an abortive campaign for
the US House caused him to skip re-election during a special one-
year election called when Virginia’s redistricting plan was found
to be unconstitutional. He was re-elected in a newly configured
district the following year and served until 1983, when his district
was carved into four parts and he was placed in a district connected
only by the Jamestown-Scotland Ferry, along with fellow Democrat
William K. Barlow. George termed the action a “ferrymander” but
chose not to seek re-election.
As a delegate, George fought for the environment, for education
at all levels, for consumer protection and passionately sought to keep
Eastern State Hospital open. He was well known for constituent
service, and early in his legislative career, he offered a toll-free
“Dial a Delegate” hotline. He was among the first to have a full-
time, year-round legislative office.
George was named to chair a commission to investigate the
issue of local government structure and organization in the wake
of the state’s annexation controversy. The Grayson Commission
provided a series of recommendations for reform. His legislation
allowed senior citizens to audit state university courses for free.
A vocal member of the “Coffin Corner” of the House, George
had a gift for attracting attention to his causes, including the
designation of the Monarch Butterfly as the state insect.
In his professional life, George retired in 2012 as the Class of
1938 Professor of Government at the College of William & Mary,
after teaching for 44 years. He received his BA at the University
of North Carolina and his MA and PhD from the Paul Nitze
School of Advanced International Studies of The Johns Hopkins
University. He also earned a JD from the College of William &
Mary while serving in the General Assembly and teaching full-
time. An internationally recognized expert in Latin American,
and especially Mexican, politics, George published more than
two dozen books and monographs, regularly appeared on CNN,
PBS and NBC, and was a regular contributor to policy debates
on immigration, Mexican drug cartels, the North American Free
Trade Agreement, and other topics of the day.
A Remembrance Service was conducted by the Department
of Government at the College of William & Mary on March 20 in
George’s honor, with former Delegate Alan Diamonstein among the
speakers. Tributes poured forth from former students, colleagues
in the legislature, his department, the policy community and his
George Grayson is survived by his wife, Bryan H. Grayson, his
adult children Keller and Giselle and their mother, Carmen Brisette
Grayson, and other family members.
John McGlennon is Chair of the Department of Government,
College of William and Mary.
In Memoriam
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